Dental Emergencies

Island Pediatric Dentistry

Dental Emergencies

While filling a tooth is relatively easy, it is much better for your child if we can minimize the risk of cavities in the first place.

As a parent, there's nothing more difficult than seeing your child in pain. Children's dental emergencies can be especially scary because they commonly include trauma, such as falling or sports injuries.

At Island Pediatric Dentistry, we know how you may feel helpless, and we want to resolve your child's dental emergency as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate to call us even if you are unsure if it’s an emergency. Your child will be scheduled for a same-day visit if necessary. Of course, if the situation is not urgent, your child will be scheduled as soon as possible.

Having an idea of how to handle certain dental emergencies is key to staying calm if an incident occurs. Remaining calm will help your child feel less scared and more assured that they are okay.

Here are some tips from our team on handling dental emergencies until you get to our dental office:

  • Toothache: Tooth pain is typically a sign of a cavity or an infected tooth that requires prompt treatment. Call our dental team, and we will arrange to see you as soon as possible.
  • Cracked, broken, or chipped tooth: Our dentists may be able to bond a broken or fractured front tooth back together, depending on the severity and the location of the fracture. A cracked tooth may be anything from a baby tooth falling out to a very large cavity. After examining your child, we will offer you the best advice for the situation.
  • A knocked-out baby tooth or primary tooth: If your child's trauma includes a knocked-out baby tooth, more often than not, no treatment is needed beyond an x-ray to rule out invisible damages that may sustained.
  • A knocked-out permanent tooth: A knocked-out adult or permanent tooth requires immediate treatment as we have a very small window of time where we might be able to save it. Try to replace the tooth in its socket gently; if this isn't possible, transport it to our dental office in a container of milk. Bring your child to our dental office as soon as possible.
  • Swollen gums or face: Gingivitis or newly erupting teeth can sometimes cause gums to bleed or swell. Dental infections may cause swollen face if the infected area cannot drain properly. One of the most common culprits in swollen face is extensive tooth decay that is trapped in the surrounding tissues. During your emergency visit, our dentists can diagnose and discuss treatment plans with you.

Our Pediatric Dental Services Include

Welcome to Island Pediatric Dentistry, where we are dedicated to providing the best possible pediatric dental services for your child.

Pediatric Dentistry

Your child's smile is priceless, and our goal is to provide dental care that keeps the smile healthy.

Preventive Care

The health of your child’s teeth and mouth is very important to the well-being of their entire body.

Digital X-Rays

Island Pediatric Dentistry has invested in digital x-ray equiptments using some of the latest technology.

Fillings & other Restorative Care

While filling a tooth is relatively easy, it is much better for your child if we can minimize the risk of cavities.

Special Needs Dentistry

We are committed to providing the best dental care for all children regardless of their special health care needs.

Schedule a Visit!

We are passionate about providing children of all ages, high-quality dental care. Our skilled and experienced pediatric dentists take pride in ensuring your child gets the best dental care possible in a comfortable, stress-free environment.

Three Easy Steps to Set Up an Appointment

Visit Us!

Please download the patient's form, and bring a copy on your visit or call us at (516)437-6000 to get instructions on how to send the form online.